Monday, October 13, 2008

FFXI Contest

Been working on this for a while. Here it goes!
Final Fantasy XI Contest held by Square Enix! Entries are accepted until November.
If anyone is interested visit


x said...

Ahhh...this painting is soooo BADASS. I love the colors you used and you can see it was painted with a lot of passion. Great to see you Friday...take care and visit us again when you can!

x said...

Oh yeah, GOOD LUCK with the contest...hope to see you win!!

Helice Wen said...

good to see your new work! this piece is SOOO your style with crazy detail and the same time looks very refine. good luck with the contest.

Allen Song said...

Wow, this is a great piece. Seems like you had a lot of fun with it! Can't wait to see what you come up with next. Hope you're doing well, friend. later